Freedom and Fear
They were tough times.
Many dreams were crushed, many hearts were broken, many lives were taken. Many worked for their entire lives to change their fate. They needed a little more support but that support was always a little late. Men became furious whenever someone sacrificed their lives, they tried to fight for a day or two and then went back to sleep with their wives.
But, nothing lasts forever. With time, there were more people that decided to change their destiny. Some still couldn’t, but some could, but it was a victory for all — for the many who died long back as well as for all those who survived to see the new age.
Finally, status quo was broken and freedom was found!
There was hope now. They toiled away all their lives but their children could now be whoever they want to be, whoever; no one to stop them.
Of such a generation of children, he was. He was curious, he was excited, he was kind and he was courageous. His peers were all taking many routes. He jumped into one of them. He was ahead in the race, so he got lazy. He got so accustomed to being lazy that, when life was slightly hard, he went crazy. Suddenly he realised he became weak.
The freedom, that his parents fought for, became more of a burden than a blessing. There was no an excuse for not being the man he wanted to be. But, he was still trying to find some. He knew that excuses are for people who are afraid of being real and honest, for people who want to convince others about something they themselves do not believe in.
But, what could he do? Everyone around him was waiting, like a predator, to attack anyone for the weakness they displayed. And so, he was only left with the option of getting into a disguise and portray himself as a strong man, a perfect being just like those around him.
His weakness was still locked within him. He tried to battle it, but he was afraid to show any signs of the battle that could get him caught. He grew tired, his weakness more powerful. He turned around towards his friends and family. They were smiling happily at him, so much in love with him for the perfect being he was. And he turned back, afraid of losing them for he knew they couldn’t fathom the idea of the real him being the same person they knew. He loved them so much, that he kept his battle to himself.
As he shoved his real self deeper and deeper, before he even realised, he grew distant to the same people he loved. His only loyal companion was his weakness, he felt. He gave up his battle and succumbed to it.
From a gentle and kind kid, he, now, became a vengeful and spiteful adult — ready to take revenge on everyone else. He wanted everyone else to suffer just like he did. And from prey he became the predator. Now, he really became a part of everyone else.
Once again, status quo!
One day, he fumbled upon his dad’s diary. His parent’s struggles for a better future for them danced in front of his eyes; he saw his mom crying with joy for the victory they fought for, but hadn’t the guts to hope for. He realised that nothing lasts forever. Change is possible.
It was going to take many more battles and even more sacrifices to change this one. It was going to take a lot of courage to be the pioneer of the revolution. But, he could imagine the sweetness of this victory. He started bringing in little changes. A little more openness, a little less judgement. And he found people around him open up. The new age was so near, he could see. He knew he was going to find true freedom!